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Nika Fontaine
Berlin, Germany
Published 23/02/2015 | Updated 23/01/2021
.With my work I strive to unravel the invisible, translate my perceptions and communicate my acquired knowledge of iné wisdom. As far as I can remember, spirituality has been part of my life and fascinated me. Today I seek to define and enrich this spirituality through studies while hoping to transmit my path via my creations.
Tarot, Kabbalah, lucid dreaming, alchemy and astrology are among my focus of research.
Not only my art...
.With my work I strive to unravel the invisible, translate my perceptions and communicate my acquired knowledge of iné wisdom. As far as I can remember, spirituality has been part of my life and fascinated me. Today I seek to define and enrich this spirituality through studies while hoping to transmit my path via my creations.
Tarot, Kabbalah, lucid dreaming, alchemy and astrology are among my focus of research.
Not only my art allow’s me to share my visions, but foremost formulate my intuitions in a vessel of common growth. This personal endeavour married to my passion for fine arts generates a work that celebrates matter, spirit and soul.
Some series questions the form and due place of the object confronted by its judgments in our society, while others exist as transcendantal tools given to the viewers. For thoses tools artworks I aspire to a purification of the object which becomes trace of a moment. I hope to engage the public in contemplation while speaking directly to there subconscient with the language of the soul. Some more critical artworks often use sarcasm and humour in a elaborate aggressively decorative shell which resonates to consumerism. Being confronted to this envelope can spark the will to discard its own blockades.
I like to consider my art practice as parent of alchemy and witness of an initiatic way.
I am steered by the desire to create useful and healing artworks which in one way or another can improve the collective wellbeeing.
Photo credits: Dasy Loewl, Pimp my Ride to heaven, 2014 installation view Deutsche bank Kunsthalle Berlin
Photo credits: Dasy Loewl, Pimp my Ride to heaven, 2014 installation view Deutsche bank Kunsthalle Berlin
Photo credits: Dasy Loewl, Pimp my Ride to heaven, 2014 installation view Deutsche bank Kunsthalle Berlin
What is it about your studio space that inspires you?
Soon I'm moving in a great new space in the spanish country side, where the landscape is delightful and inspiring.
What sounds, scents and sights do you encounter while in your studio?
I love incense and burning sage. Ilisten mostly to classical musique while working. Lately mostly Hildergard Von Bongen
What is your favourite material to work with? How has your use of it evolved throughout your practice?
Glitter, Fabric, Wood, plaster, Ink, crystals, glass, sound and light.
What themes do you pursue?
Spirituality in many forms, New Age believes and aesthetics, Death, Love, Kitsch, Romanticism.
What advice has had the biggest impact on your career?
My great uncle told me when I was 16.. ” after one painting make 10, after 10 make 100, after 100 make 1 000, after 1 000 make 10 000 “…. never stop..
If you could install your art absolutely anywhere, where would that be?
In peoples heart
If you could only have one piece of art in your life, what would it be?
I would love a painting by Augustin Lesage
If you weren´t an artist, what would you be doing?
What are your favourite places besides your studio?
Deutsche Bank, Germany
Royal Bank of Canada, Canada
Wildpalms | http://wild-palms.com/
2016 Honorable mention RBC painting competition
2014 Elsa Neumann Stipendium
2013 Macht Kunst, Deutsche Bank Kunsthalle
2006-2008 Painting and drawing, Concordia University, Montreal
2008-2012 Diplom Malerei, Kunsthochschule Berlin Weissensee, Berlin
2013 Meisterschüler bei Werner Liebmann, Kunsthochschule Berlin Weissensee, Berlin