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Berlin, Germany
Published 22/09/2015 | Updated 05/01/2016
What is it about your studio space that inspires you?
It’s a room to think, draw, build and collage. Light from above. Small. Undistracted.
What sounds, scents and sights do you encounter while in your studio?
I listen to audio books and I also like to listen to movies in the background. So although not listening to music, I guess I prefer at least to not work in silence.
What is your favourite material to work with? How has your use of it evolved throughout your practice?
Land (as in Land Art): To me this has always been one of the most intriguing forms to express oneself as an artist – where art is closest to itself – of no use but existing for the sole purpose of existing.
What themes do you pursue?
How does „the new“ come into the world? What makes an artist an artist? How does the journey of life affect my own points of view? And why the heck should all of this matter?
What advice has had the biggest impact on your career?
You found that by chance? Good, remember it. And use it when it comes in handy.
If you could install your art absolutely anywhere, where would that be?
I want my work to be shown in the Chinati Foundation in Marfa, TX.
If you could only have one piece of art in your life, what would it be?
A James Turrell „Sky Piece“. It is contemplative, incredibly beautiful, pure, and plays great tricks on your perception. It’s like a painting done with light.
If you weren´t an artist, what would you be doing?
I don’t know. Art is the only thing I can do.
What are your favourite places besides your studio?
In 2011 I lived in Los Angeles, CA for a couple of months and travelled extensively. And as I said, I have a love for the Western part of the United States. My favorite places among many others include Venice, CA; Arcosanti, AZ; Las Vegas, NV.