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Berlin, Germany
Published 06/10/2014 | Updated 13/12/2016
"I am fascinated by the fact that the experiment, with its systematic approach, is capable of explaining complex, seemingly chaotic processes in the life sciences.
"I am interested primarily in the thematic field of science and art, and within this field in the experiment in particular. A scientific experiment should be arranged in such a way that something new can happen. I am fascinated by the fact that the experiment, with its...
"I am fascinated by the fact that the experiment, with its systematic approach, is capable of explaining complex, seemingly chaotic processes in the life sciences.
"I am interested primarily in the thematic field of science and art, and within this field in the experiment in particular. A scientific experiment should be arranged in such a way that something new can happen. I am fascinated by the fact that the experiment, with its systematic approach, is capable of explaining complex, seemingly chaotic processes in the life sciences. In other words, that something unfamiliar, previously unknown can be visualized in an experimental set-up.
"After research into topics such as cloud classification, cell division, human diversity and basic genetic principles, I develop artistic experimental set-ups – often stimulated by interviews with scientists. The new becomes visible to me particularly during phases when I reach the limits of those stipulations I have set down for myself, and I am compelled, therefore, to make decisions leading beyond them.
"My material is paper. I combine techniques such as cutting, folding, perforating or weaving with drawing or photography. In this way I produce photo weavings, foldings or perforatings, as well as drawings."
—Katrin von Lehmann, September 2016
Augenbeobachtung 2-1 (Naked eye observation 2-1), 2010, Brush drawing on paper, folded, 78 x 205 x 6 cm, Photo: Bernd Hiepe
Die Feigenmauer aufdecken (Uncovering the wall of figs), 2013 Brush drawing on paper, folded, 23 x 350 x 4 cm, Photo: Bernd Hiepe
Transição 13 | (Series of 26 drawings) | Drawing on paper | 72 x 102 cm | 2006 | Photo: © Katrin von Lehmann
Transição 14 | (Series of 26 drawings) | Drawing on paper | 72 x 102 cm | 2006 | Photo: © Katrin von Lehmann
Proxy 2-04, 2015, Photo print of a scanned drawing, perforated, 171 x 100 x 2 cm, Photo: Bernd Hiepe
Proxy 4, 2015, punched-out papers from the series Proxy in a glass container, five works, each approx. 18 x 15 x 16 cm, Photo: Bernd Hiepe
What is it about your studio space that inspires you?
It’s a space with it’s own rules. Sometimes I create them, sometimes I have to find them out and sometimes I’m struggling a lot.
What sounds, scents and sights do you encounter while in your studio?
It depends on what I’m doing. Mostly without music.
What is your favourite material to work with? How has your use of it evolved throughout your practice?
Paper, pencil, scissors
What themes do you pursue?
Finding a picture for continuous moments of a process. Create an own classification system and leave it
If you could only have one piece of art in your life, what would it be?
A work from Rachel Whiteread
If you weren´t an artist, what would you be doing?
Paper and book restoration
What are your favourite places besides your studio?
Non-treated landscape that was used by military before the fall of the wall