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Sharon Leahy-Clark Main Profile Image

Sharon Leahy-Clark

London, UK

Drawing, Painting • Born in London, UK • Studied at Royal College of Art, London

Published  05/03/2015   |   Updated  09/12/2023

Drawing is integral to my work..

Sharon is a resident artist at The Centre for Recent Drawing in London, UK. The organic shapes she creates all have an immediately discernible character, no matter how abstract, some appear friendly, others fierce.

“Drawing is integral to my work. I am fascinated by the immediacy of mark making and, for me this can mean either actively using materials to draw or, understanding a puff of cloud, a stain, fold, or tear as a...

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Sharon is a resident artist at The Centre for Recent Drawing in London, UK. The organic shapes she creates all have an immediately discernible character, no matter how abstract, some appear friendly, others fierce.

“Drawing is integral to my work. I am fascinated by the immediacy of mark making and, for me this can mean either actively using materials to draw or, understanding a puff of cloud, a stain, fold, or tear as a drawing. There is no boundary to drawing, – it is ultimate freedom.”

Sharon Leahy-Clark

Sharon Leahy-Clark