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Alice Irwin
I interact with the idea that as we grow older, we no longer have the freedom of child-like thought. We become consumed with education, technology and the everyday trials of life, constraining the freedom of our thoughts. We strive to assert our identity and understand our place in an often confusing world. As the world becomes more populated and troubled we often feel lost and discon- nected: we try to seek reassurance and comfort in...
I interact with the idea that as we grow older, we no longer have the freedom of child-like thought. We become consumed with education, technology and the everyday trials of life, constraining the freedom of our thoughts. We strive to assert our identity and understand our place in an often confusing world. As the world becomes more populated and troubled we often feel lost and discon- nected: we try to seek reassurance and comfort in various ways. This often in- volves child-like behaviour and memories. There are many ways of depicting who we are. We are all different and unique. Children firstly scribble. These become more sophisticated as their understanding intellectualises and devel- ops. In a child's playground children develop as individuals through play.
A Memory, A Thought, A Moment: Three work series, Mono print, 70x50cm, 2017, currently on show @ Flowers Gallery until September 5th
Garden Wondering: Mono Print, 200x100cm, 2017. A series called wondering, plans for future sculptures.
What is it about your studio space that inspires you?
It is the place that you are aloud to be free, it is your wonderland
What is your favourite material to work with? How has your use of it evolved throughout your practice?
I like to use lots of different materials, but mainly metal and paint and paper and cloth.
What themes do you pursue?
I like to pursue childhood and human identity. What makes us unique
If you could install your art absolutely anywhere, where would that be?
My dreams is to get my art world wide, to been know in many countries. In London would love to install a large giant Playground in the turbine hall at the Tate, and to exhibit at the Marine goodman Galley, Blaine Sourthen or Hauser and Wirth. But also the Yorkshire sculpture park
If you weren´t an artist, what would you be doing?
I dont know...
Crowds and Faces, Ominbus Centre
Seasons, Maxilla studios
Output, CGP Gallery
Mono: A Exhibition of Unique Prints, Flowers Gallery
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Flowers gallery
CGP London
2016, Norman Ackroyd Etching Prize
2015, Anthony Dawson Young Printmakers Award
2014, The Arts Club Charitable Trust Award
2013- 2016: City and Guilds of London Art School, BA Fine Art Painting.
2016- Present: Royal College of Art London, MA Fine Art Print.