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Stefan Heyne Main Profile Image

Stefan Heyne

Berlin, Germany

Photography, Sculpture • Born in Brandenburg an der Havel, Germany • Studied at Kunsthochschule Berlin-Weißensee, Germany

Published  07/02/2015   |   Updated  05/01/2016

"reduced to the max"

Stefan Heyne’s abstract photography

The photographs of Stefan Heyne (*1965) are emphatically nonrepresentational. The artist omits elements that generally define a photograph, forgoing the use any identifiable motif. Instead he creates abstract photographs that are honed to perfection by paring his imagery to a blurred play of light and shadows with no indication of form. In his most recent series of works Heyne even avoids the...

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Stefan Heyne’s abstract photography

The photographs of Stefan Heyne (*1965) are emphatically nonrepresentational. The artist omits elements that generally define a photograph, forgoing the use any identifiable motif. Instead he creates abstract photographs that are honed to perfection by paring his imagery to a blurred play of light and shadows with no indication of form. In his most recent series of works Heyne even avoids the use of soft-focus as an artistic device and emphasizes, in contrast, the high-definition reproduction of perhaps one of the purest motifs of all: the cloudless sky photographed by the artist from the window of an airplane. The color spectra of pure light that are revealed in these images seem blurry and out of focus, but they are not. Heyne thus achieves the most radical degree of abstraction in his work to date. In his photographs the viewer is confronted with an endless depth of space? eternity.

Quoted from www.hatjecantz.de

Stefan Heyne
© Studio Stefan Heyne

© Studio Stefan Heyne

© Studio Stefan Heyne

© Studio Stefan Heyne

© Studio Stefan Heyne

© Studio Stefan Heyne