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Alice Irvin | New On Artitious

Posted on November 1, 2017

Alice Irvin

Garden Wondering: Mono Print, 200x100cm, 2017. A series called wondering, plans for future sculptures.

I interact with the idea that as we grow older, we no longer have the freedom of child-like thought. We become consumed with education, technology and the everyday trials of life, constraining the freedom of our thoughts. We strive to assert our identity and understand our place in an often confusing world. As the world becomes more populated and troubled we often feel lost and discon- nected: we try to seek reassurance and comfort in various ways. This often in- volves child-like behaviour and memories. There are many ways of depicting who we are. We are all different and unique. Children firstly scribble. These become more sophisticated as their understanding intellectualises and devel- ops. In a child's playground children develop as individuals through play.