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Lukas Glinkowski | New On Artitious

Posted on November 1, 2017

Lukas Glinkowski

I have no specific aim. I just sit.* |

Situated somewhere between Minimal Art and Street Art, Lukas Glinkowski (* 1984, lives and works in Berlin) reproduces intimate mementoes circling around ever-changing places in a state of deterioration and transformational process. His works oscillate between the architectural and social space and its users, who are constantly transforming it, questioning social memory as well as boundaries between public and private space. Glinkowski spray- paints and sketches on plain wall tiles and ingrain wallpaper, often using neon colors – facing his works might evoke the impression of entering a different time. One might remember the multiple scrawls on the walls of a 90s club toilet, exhibiting the excessive behavior of an adolescent generation. The artist thus creates new sites, based on both personal and public memory of possibly long-gone atmospheric spaces while ironizing his role as an artist as well as the institutional system of art and criticism.

Elfi Carle & Isabelle Meiffert