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viennacontemporary 2016 | Cinema : Me, Myself and I

Posted on September 14, 2016

viennacontemporary 2016 | Cinema : Me, Myself and I   |  News
viennacontemporary 2016 | Cinema : Me, Myself and I

Cinema presents films and videos by Austrian and international artists, submitted by galleries participating in viennacontemporary. Developed and curated by Olaf Stüber, the format will this year explore artistic self-representation in film and video.

Self-portraits are perhaps as old as art itself. Once it was a realm reserved to painters and sculptors. With postmodernism, the classical definition of the self-portrait broadened and artists no longer just paint or sculpt images of themselves – they perform and intervene in front of an audience and the camera. They stage themselves, turning their actions, their ideas, and often also their lives into content.

In a world of social media and selfies, everyone makes a portrait of themselves everywhere, and seems to expose everything about themselves. The main focus is the statement of the artist as a subject against the backdrop of a society increasingly based on self-referentiality.

From many interesting proposals by galleries, Olaf Stüber selected works by Olaf Breuning, Barbara Hammer, Erik Schmidt, Simon Mullan, Fang Lu, Tova Mozard and Claudia Larcher, among others, and compiled them into a highly anticipated program. The program will be on display daily in the Cinema during viennacontemporary, 22-25 September.

start time / artist / title / duration / gallery

11:30 Sebastian Stumpf, Ocean, 25:22 min, annex14
11:58 Wermke/Leinkauf, Symbolic Threats, 17:20 min, Gabriele Senn Galerie
12:18 Fang Lu, Somewhere, 19:14 min, Boers-Li Gallery
12:40 Maya Schweizer, I, an archeologist, 20:22 min, ASPN
13:03 Erik Schmidt, Cut-Uncut, 11:58 min, Galerie Krinzinger13:18 Anna K.E., Multiple Keyhole, 14:51 min, Philipp von Rosen Galerie
13:36 Cyrill Lachauer, 32 m.ü.NHN. – 114,7 m.ü.NHN., 14:46 min, Galerie Thomas Fischer
13:54 Sasha Pirogova, Biblimlen, 09:58 min, Mario Mauroner Contemporary Art Salzburg-Vienna
14:07 Marko Zink, aus der Serie “OLYMPIA” & „fred&freda“, 05:59 min, galerie michaela stock
14:15 Tova Mozard, The Big Scene, 32:01 min, Cecilia Hillström Gallery
14:50 Clemens Krauss, Anyway, 05:31 min, Galerie CRONE
14:58 Simon Mullan, Intermorior, 02:06 min, Galerie Nathalie Halgand
15:03 Claudia Larcher, Self, 07:50 min, Galerie Lisi Hämmerle
15:14 Klodin Erb, The Sweet Lemon Ballad, 13:13 min, Rotwand
15:30 Olaf Breuning, Home 3, 38:00 min, Carbon 12
16:11 Jacolby Satterwhite, En Plein Air: Music of Objective Romance: Track #1 Healing in My House, 09:26 min, LUNDGREN GALLERY
16:23 Nina Rike Springer, Springschnurspringer, 00:37 min, baeckerstrasse4
16:26 Christoph Rütimann, Handlauf Millenium Bridge, 07:17 min, SKOPIA / P.-H. Jaccaud
16:36 Barbara Hammer, Double Strength, 14:03 min, KOW
16:53 Joep van Liefland, Men & Depression 2, 02:16 min, Galerie Gebrüder Lehmann
16:58 Veronika Veit, sowiedu vers 2.0, 08:00 min, Galerie Caroline Smulders
17:09 Siegmund Skalar, Der Tunnel, 10:03 min, Galerie Lisa Kandlhofer
17:22 Lukas Marxt, Reign of Silence, 07:21 min, Galerie Reinthaler
17:32 Evamaria Schaller, Der Kaiser unterm Berg, 18:30 min, MARTINETZ
