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KOSMOS SEVEN. Pörnbach Contemporary Art Festival, Pornbach, Germany

Posted on June 19, 2017

KOSMOS SEVEN. Pörnbach Contemporary Art Festival, Pornbach, Germany   |  News
KOSMOS SEVEN. Pörnbach Contemporary Art Festival, Pornbach, Germany

The glass products do not conform to the modern medical standards or the one-time principle. However, due to an inconceivable bureaucratic failure, an old factory in the Russian province continues to release products based on the last century technologies. The items which were originally created for utilitarian purposes but became senseless in the course of time, are transformed into the object of art,also useless in practice but with symbolical value.

KOSMOS SEVEN. Pörnbach Contemporary Art Festival, Pornbach, Germany   |  News
KOSMOS SEVEN. Pörnbach Contemporary Art Festival, Pornbach, Germany