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Luther und die Avantgarde – Contemporary Art in Wittenberg, Berlin and Kassel

Posted on April 3, 2017


Event Type:



Wittenberg Old Prison (Central Exhibition), Ehemalige Haftanstalt Berliner Straße, Berliner Straße 2, 06886 Wittenberg


May 19, 2017 - September 17, 2017


Mon-Sun, 10 am - 7 pm

Luther und die Avantgarde – Contemporary Art in Wittenberg, Berlin and Kassel   |  Event
Luther und die Avantgarde - Contemporary Art in Wittenberg, Berlin and Kassel

Luther changed the world. Who changed today? What role do the artists have?

International contemporary art meets the spiritual figure of Luther — this is the starting point for the exhibition Luther and the Avant-garde presented by the Stiftung für Kunst und Kultur (Foundation for Art and Culture), in cooperation with Reformationsjubiläum 2017 e.V. The exhibition will not focus on Martin Luther as a historic figure but as a visionary and avant-gardist of his era.

The central exhibition venue is the Old Prison in Wittenberg, which has been purposely refurbished for the exhibition and which is to be made accessible to the public. The former cells, staircases and communal rooms, the prison courtyard and the façades have been transformed into exhibition spaces – an unusual setting for artists and visitors alike. Many of the works on show have been created especially for the exhibition. Sixty-five of the some 70 artistic positions are being exhibited in Wittenberg itself, complemented by solo presentations in Berlin's Church of St. Matthew and in Kassel.

Admission: 7€ (5€, concessions)

Luther und die Avantgarde – Contemporary Art in Wittenberg, Berlin and Kassel   |  Event
Luther und die Avantgarde - Contemporary Art in Wittenberg, Berlin and Kassel
Luther und die Avantgarde - Contemporary Art in Wittenberg, Berlin and Kassel
Luther und die Avantgarde - Contemporary Art in Wittenberg, Berlin and Kassel