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Frieze @ Galerie Mai 36 | Booth C5

Posted on September 28, 2016


Event Type:

Art Fair


Regent's Park, Park Square West, London, NW1 4NR


October 06, 2016 - October 09, 2016


all day 12-19

Invitation only preview October 5th

Frieze @ Galerie Mai 36 | Booth C5   |  Event
Frieze @ Galerie Mai 36 | Booth C5

Mai 36 Galarie will be exhibiting at the famed Frieze London art fair over the first weekend of October. Included in their exhibition is work by artist Jürgen Drescher.

'Drescher explores the conditions of human existence in contemporary society. He initially attracted attention with his aluminum casts of everyday objects, which are essentially hyperbolic sculptural metaphors. The alienating effect of the casts reevaluates the familiar objects and invests them with new layers of meaning. Jürgen Drescher has taught widely, for instance in Munich, Hamburg and Düsseldorf. Most recently he was represented in 2013 in "Die Bildhauer. Kunstakademie Düsseldorf, 1945 bis heute", an exhibition of sculpture since 1945 on view at the art collection of North Rhine-Westphalia in Düsseldorf. In spring 2013, the Badischer Kunstverein in Karlsruhe mounted an extensive solo exhibition of his work.' Axel Jablonski

We are excited to see his latest work at the Frieze art fair.