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Die klare Sonne bringt’s an den Tag

Posted on March 8, 2017


Event Type:



Galerie Crone, Getreidemarkt 14 Vienna, 1010, Austria


March 08, 2017 - April 01, 2017

Opening Reception: Wednesday, March 8, 2017, 7 p.m.–9 p.m.

Die klare Sonne bringt’s an den Tag   |  Event
Die klare Sonne bringt’s an den Tag

Erez Israli is one of the most famous young representatives of contemporary art in Israel. In his works, he intensivley discusses subjects like the Holocaust, anti-semitism and the inseparable link between European and Jewish culture. In an insistently provocative way, he involves collective responsibility, overt and latent racism, old and new right-wing populism, the emergence and functioning of totalitarian, autocratic structures in both Europe and the USA, as well as the current political situation in Israel and Palestine.

Under the title "Die klare Sonne bringt's an den Tag (The Clear Sun Unveils It)" the artist shows new large-sized paperwork, gypsum sculptures, collages and a space-grabbing installation.

In the works by Erez Israeli physicality, sexuality and stereotypes play a central role. He opposes any form of oppression, exclusion and the ritualisation of our memory culture. According to his message, this leads to oblivion and paves the way for the new fascism.

In the central room installation of the exhibition "The Clear Sun Unveils It" there fly 30 wooden kitsch eagles towards the visitor. A symbol for romance, home tidiness and the mania of might. In seven large-sized wall panels, the artist links German fairytales and myths with the atrocities to Jews. And he places lovely, kitschy bows, that he has bought at flea markets in Austria, above his pencil drawings showing popular Nazis and Neonazis. All this is contradicted by fragile, tender sculptures, consisting of seductive, but also potentially poisoned sweets.