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Dear Diary…

Posted on August 17, 2022


Event Type:



Culterim Gallery, Kaiserdamm 102, 14057 Berlin


September 01, 2022 - September 04, 2022



Dear Diary…   |  Event
Dear Diary...

Dear Diary,
As a child, I hardly had any female-identifying role models. Not for life and certainly not for art. I knew Vincent van Gogh, Leonardo da Vinci and Pablo Picasso. "Picasso, that genius," I heard over and over again. Mostly male artists hung and still hang in museums. In school, we only talked about male artists. Male Artists in expressionism, male artists in impressionism, blah blah blah, genius here, genius there.
It sucked - and it still sucks!
Six of the invited female artists*1 live in Berlin, the others I discovered online and invited because I admire their work. Many of the works shown here were created specifically for this exhibition, which thematically explores the everyday, whether through material or content.
With this exhibition I want to create a new network and connect, to show and promote exchange between women artists*.
That's why I'm writing it down here, dear diary. And to always remind myself:
Women*, unite!
Yours, Julie
"Women don't paint as well. That's a fact."2
Georg Baselitz. That old genius.

2 Georg Baselitz, in: „Meine Bilder sind Schlachten“, Gespräch in Der Spiegel 4/2013, 20. Januar 2013, https://www.spiegel.de/kultur/meine-bilder-sind-schlachten-a-5f1ebdde-0002-0001-0000-000090638333 (aufgerufen am 13. August 2022)..

(Short-Version of)

Dear Diary…   |  Event
Dear Diary...
Dear Diary...

Ingeburg Nr. 36 150 x 150 x 5 cm, 2022 Original 60er Nylonstrümpfe auf Petticoat von Hand genäht