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Champs Noir

Posted on January 11, 2023

Event Type:

Group Exhibition


Terrace Gallery at Patchworks, Patchworks, 258 Church Road, London E10 7JQ


January 18, 2023 - February 12, 2023


Sat-Sun 12-18.00 or by appointment

January 18th 2023, 18.00-22.00

Champs Noir   |  Event
Champs Noir

Including over 30 artists working in painting, drawing, scultpure, photography, collage and print, this exhibition brings together works from the 1970s to the present day and examines the continued allure of monochrome black in artistic practice, given all its historic precedence.

The works in the exhibition come from disparate starting points and processes but all explore black as the main theme. The curation was initially conceived as a way to take authorship of the ready-made blank TV screen and incorporate it into the hang of the works. After the gallery move to Patchworks, this concept became redundant - the TV has gone but the exhibition remains as a residue.

I'll be showing a hand stitched drawing in this up coming exhibition which has been curated by Simon Leahy-Clark @simonleahyclarkstudio

Champs Noir   |  Event
Champs Noir
Champs Noir