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Posted on August 24, 2017


Event Type:

Solo Exhibition


Purple Space Contemporary, Gerichtsstrasse 23, 13347, Berlin, Aufgang 6, first floor


September 15, 2017 - November 15, 2017

Opening 15th September 19h

Akasha   |  Event

Seed of light 6, 2017, 110cm x 110cm, glitter on canvas


Akasha is a term for Ether in traditional Indian cosmology. It is the the fifth element above the four elements of Fire, Water, Wind and Earth.
The Ether is the space between and in all things where the light shines and create.
The akasha series depict seeds of life, transmutations, spiritual mitosis, silence, stillness and alignment.
Through an eternal force of sharing and giving, entities are gaining consciousness as they become vessels of care.
Some seek incarnation while others who previously did are shelling to shine ever brighter.
In Akasha, we are spectators of the omnipresent ubiquitous spectacle of spiritual birth.

Each paintings are a snapshot of the ongoing dance of life at a spiritual level.
To meditate upon the works is to acknowledge the existence of those forces in the very core of your constitution.
Spiritual growth take place as the viewer recognise the potential of transmutation of thought and matter.
By biding your consciousness to the elements of creation, you release your full potential of co-creation.

The All inclusive Altars are there to give a direct connection with the elements.
Combining the Ethereal depictions of the paintings with the experience of fire, water, earth and air of the Altars, the tools of Oneness are given.
We can see a recurrence in the motif of the hands and boats.
Here the hands are suggesting the eternal force of sharing and giving while the boat is the vessel which receive the light.
The Kabbalist will say our body is a vessel for our soul just as our soul is a vessel for the light and knowledge.
Everything is in the light, and the light is in everything.

The visitors are encouraged to see beyond the art.
As a temple, the space is transformed to invite the first light and slow down the time.
I want to create a vortex which transport the traveler in a parallel state of awareness.
I perceive theses artworks as tools more than blatant decorative objects.

Akasha   |  Event