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Supermenschenaufladestation 3000 to go

Posted on August 24, 2017


Event Type:

Solo Exhibition


SOX Berlin, Oranienstr. 175 D-10999 Berlin


September 13, 2017 - October 20, 2017

Supermenschenaufladestation 3000 to go   |  Event
Supermenschenaufladestation 3000 to go

Supermenschenaufladestation 3000 To go

City life can be exhausting; noise, pollution, millions of humans around, lack of nature, wifi everywhere and omnipresent stress.
In order to sustain this frenetic rhythm we build barriers with sunglasses, headphones and curtains. To get a quick fix of energy we drink coffee, smoothies, power drinks or we eat energy bars, food to go, supplements.
At Supermenschenaufladestation 3000 we found a the perfect solution for a quick, easy and sustainable vital energy recharge.
We are proud to present our super human recharge stations 3000 TO GO!
The concept is simple, efficient and long lasting.
The recharge stations are equipped with a combination of high end technologies as well as well vibrant subliminal visuals which anchors deep down a state of bliss in our users heart. The perfect symbiotic experience of powerful precisely selected memes and carefully edited video material, stimulate the creation of dopamine, serotonin and endorphins which helps regulate the users stress level to an healthy positive range. Once the stress level starts to drop the energy which was employed to resist negativity is now available to creation. Not only the machine liberate your inner strength but also it fills you heart with harmonious long lasting waves of love, and generosity.
We recommend a daily use of the Supermenschenaufladestation 3000 TO GO, for a duration of 5 to 15min depending on your stress level. Such a regular use of positivism will not only impact your health but as well your relationships and even career opportunities.
Some of our users call the Supermenschenaufladestation 3000 TO GO a life changing system while others call it their technological soul mate.
Wait no longer and seize back control of your own energy, glow happiness, shine love to the world, become a Superloaded creator !