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Thomas Behling

Thomas Behling

Berlin / Germany

Collage, Painting, Sculpture • Born in Hannover / Germany • Studied at Bremen / Germany

Published  04/09/2018   |   Updated  07/07/2022

If you still have courage, thank god and be content.

In my artworks I work with the patina at the back of our minds of our ideological heritage, which often contradicts our conscious understanding. I am interested in how we succeed in reaching the border area between seriousness and irony, between critical analysis and naive worship.
I often use old material, for example, a frame, or found, mostly trivial images, and I also give new materials the appearance of being old and authentic...

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In my artworks I work with the patina at the back of our minds of our ideological heritage, which often contradicts our conscious understanding. I am interested in how we succeed in reaching the border area between seriousness and irony, between critical analysis and naive worship.
I often use old material, for example, a frame, or found, mostly trivial images, and I also give new materials the appearance of being old and authentic although this cannot possibly be the case. The unclear threshold for the viewer between new and old is intended. Because the things we consider authentic, are above all, the things that we imagine to be so. The motives I use are types of pictures which are in the collective memory of our society, so that the viewer can relate their internal images to those in my artworks.

To see more of Thomas Behlings artwork, please visit his website www.thomas-behling.de

Thomas Behling
exhibition view Kunstverein Bayreuth

exhibition view Kunstverein Bayreuth

"Bessere Zeiten dämmern", 2017, 92 x 72 x 16 cm

"Bessere Zeiten dämmern", 2017, 92 x 72 x 16 cm

"We got the power. We make a brave new world!", 2017, 143 x 107 cm

"We got the power. We make a brave new world!", 2017, 143 x 107 cm

"Großes Erscheinungswölkchen" - "Big Epiphany cloud", 2012, 96 x 43 x 24 cm

"Großes Erscheinungswölkchen" - "Big Epiphany cloud", 2012, 96 x 43 x 24 cm

"Deutsche Kolonien" – "German colonies", 2016, 31 x 23 cm

"Deutsche Kolonien" – "German colonies", 2016, 31 x 23 cm

"Dany Sahne", 2017, 76 x 42 x 9 cm

"Dany Sahne", 2017, 76 x 42 x 9 cm

"DU-Munition (Genesis 3, 1991 - 2003)", 2016, 151 x 57 x 29 cm

"DU-Munition (Genesis 3, 1991 - 2003)", 2016, 151 x 57 x 29 cm

"Selbsterkenntnis" – "Self-knowledge", 2016, 85 x 47 x 47 cm

"Selbsterkenntnis" – "Self-knowledge", 2016, 85 x 47 x 47 cm

"Das Weltall in Farbe" – "The universe in colour", 2017, 22 x 15 x 4 cm

"Das Weltall in Farbe" – "The universe in colour", 2017, 22 x 15 x 4 cm

"Schrein" – "shrine", 2012, 61 x 51 x 17 cm

"Schrein" – "shrine", 2012, 61 x 51 x 17 cm

"Weitsicht" – "Foresight", 2017, 65 x 55 cm

"Weitsicht" – "Foresight", 2017, 65 x 55 cm

"Die Moral von der Geschichte verstehe ich mitnichte." – "I don't understand the moral of the story/history", 2020, 86 x 37 x 37 cm

"Die Moral von der Geschichte verstehe ich mitnichte." – "I don't understand the moral of the story/history", 2020, 86 x 37 x 37 cm

"Don't look back!", 2017, 141 x 166 x 43 cm

"Don't look back!", 2017, 141 x 166 x 43 cm

"Bootsfahrt" - "boat trip", 2011, 66 x 54 x 16 cm

"Bootsfahrt" - "boat trip", 2011, 66 x 54 x 16 cm

making of "Bootsfahrt" - "boat trip"

making of "Bootsfahrt" - "boat trip"

"Ich wollte schon immer nicht wissen, wie sehr ich mich selbst verarschen kann." – "I have never wanted to know, just how well I can fool myself", Nine genuine and a counterfeit postage stamp bearing the swastika, 2021, 26 x 32 cm

"Ich wollte schon immer nicht wissen, wie sehr ich mich selbst verarschen kann." – "I have never wanted to know, just how well I can fool myself", Nine genuine and a counterfeit postage stamp bearing the swastika, 2021, 26 x 32 cm

"Universum Clock – Die Stimmen der Verstorbenen" – "Universum Clock – The voices of the decedents", 2021, 47 x 31 x 21 cm

"Universum Clock – Die Stimmen der Verstorbenen" – "Universum Clock – The voices of the decedents", 2021, 47 x 31 x 21 cm




"Erste Warnung vor einem Zusammenhang", Kunstverein Friedberg, Germany

"Bilder in Farbe mit Geschmack", Künstlervereinigung Dachau, Germany


"Enzyklopädie aus freien Hinterhalten", Kabinett im Zentralwerk, Dresden, Germany

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"NORTH OVERSEE", Kunsthalle Wilhelmshaven, Germany

"Mockumentaries", konnektor - Forum für Künste, Hanover, Germany

"Konfetti Falling", nachtspeicher23, Hamburg, Germany

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EDUCATION (detailed)

1999 - 2001, FH Ottersberg, Germany, class of Hermanus Westendorp

2001 - 2006, HfK – University of the Arts Bremen, Germany, class of Yuji Takeoka

2006, HfK – University of the Arts Bremen, Germany, Meisterschüler of Yuji Takeoka

Buy artworks by Thomas Behling

“Kurzsicht schafft mehr Weitsicht” | Thomas Behling | available artwork

Thomas Behling

“Kurzsicht schafft mehr Weitsicht”, 2021

42,0 x 30,0 cm | 16,5 x 11,8 inch

100,00 € excl. VAT

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