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Masha Gusova Main Profile Image

Masha Gusova

Masha Gusova

Bristol, UK

Painting • Born in Moscow, Russia • Studied at London, United Kingdom

Published  25/07/2018   |   Updated  19/08/2019


Born in Moscow in 1987, Masha Gusova emigrated to the United Kingdom during her early childhood. In 2013, she completed her Bachelor in History of Art at SOAS, University of London. Since 2011, Gusova has exhibited at various shows both nationally and internationally alongside some of the most prominent artists of our time.

Gusova’s work is primarily inspired by her background in art history. She uses various historical images,...

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Born in Moscow in 1987, Masha Gusova emigrated to the United Kingdom during her early childhood. In 2013, she completed her Bachelor in History of Art at SOAS, University of London. Since 2011, Gusova has exhibited at various shows both nationally and internationally alongside some of the most prominent artists of our time.

Gusova’s work is primarily inspired by her background in art history. She uses various historical images, which she manipulates and adapts, in order to create new narratives that deal with the human condition. Irrespective of time and place, the fundamental struggles of mankind remain the same. Furthermore, her work places importance on introspection, a process vital to our ability to transform, both as individuals and as a society.
From an aesthetic perspective, Gusova is interested in embracing and reconciling the mastery of the past with the innovation of the present.

Masha Gusova
Spring, 2017 oil in linen, 60 x 50 cm

Spring, 2017 oil in linen, 60 x 50 cm

The Facade (after Sargent), 2017 oil on linen 145 x 90 cm

The Facade (after Sargent), 2017 oil on linen 145 x 90 cm

Opphelliaa (after Millais), 2016 oil on wood (75x75cm)

Opphelliaa (after Millais), 2016 oil on wood (75x75cm)




Moniker Art Fair, London


Jessup Cellars Gallery, Yountville, California USA

Delusional, Jonathan LeVine Projects, NJ, USA

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