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Mark Scott-Wood Main Profile Image

Mark Scott-Wood

Norwich, UK

Installation, Mixed media, Photography, Sculpture • Born in UK • Studied at Norwich School of Art and Design, Norwich and Byam Shaw School of Art, London.

Published  28/09/2015   |   Updated  02/06/2021

About, about, about.

Mark Scott-Wood is fascinated by material and process. He works mostly with found objects. He uses these objects by applying texture and concept in a way evocative of childhood or early teenage resourcefulness. This can range from sculpture and painting through to performance and events. The processes he employs are eclectic including pulping paper, firing ceramics or appliquéing fabrics. Although he has a love of craft, the work is intended to...

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Mark Scott-Wood is fascinated by material and process. He works mostly with found objects. He uses these objects by applying texture and concept in a way evocative of childhood or early teenage resourcefulness. This can range from sculpture and painting through to performance and events. The processes he employs are eclectic including pulping paper, firing ceramics or appliquéing fabrics. Although he has a love of craft, the work is intended to challenge and address many aspects of current contemporary art practice through the use of more traditional techniques. With this in mind, the work often appears deceptively obvious but demands further attention. It is this playful nature of the work that he takes pleasure in developing.

Mark Scott-Wood
///if this is the ᚫorest.▲△▲.where are the ᛉrees

///if this is the ᚫorest.▲△▲.where are the ᛉrees

If you could only have one piece of art in your life, what would it be?

Ashley Bickerton's Seascape: Transporter for the Waste Product of its own Construction #1, 1989 or something by The Chapman Brothers

What are your favourite places besides your studio?

The pub. Never underestimate the potential of the ideas you have whilst drinking and chatting with friends.

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