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Liat Grayver Main Profile Image

Liat Grayver in her Berlin studio, Photo credit; Alina Nosow

Liat Grayver

Berlin, Germany

Collage, Conceptual art, Drawing, Installation, Mixed media, Painting, Photography, Text • Born in Israel • Studied at Leipzig, Germany. Neapel, Italy, Jerusalem Israel, NYC, USA

Published  18/07/2017   |   Updated  26/08/2019

Painting, Print-Making, Drawing, Generated Data and Robotic Paintig

Print-making drawing, painting, photography, generated data and robotic technologies are tools used in my artistic practice to explore, retain and express visual information in relation to the digital and machine-based world we live in today. Grayver’s work explores the different ways the body and mind perceive not only the visual objects themselves (such as painting), but also the process through which they are created — what is seen as a...

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Print-making drawing, painting, photography, generated data and robotic technologies are tools used in my artistic practice to explore, retain and express visual information in relation to the digital and machine-based world we live in today. Grayver’s work explores the different ways the body and mind perceive not only the visual objects themselves (such as painting), but also the process through which they are created — what is seen as a whole (form) and what is felt as energy (vector).

​Liat Grayver (Israel 1986) graduated from the Art Academy of Leipzig (MFA Painting and printmaking, class of Heribert. C. Ottersbach) and is currently a post-graduate in the class of Joachim Blank (Media Art). Since January 2016 Grayver has been collaborating with the University of Konstanz on the e-David Project, exploring various approaches to integrate robotic and computer languages in the processes of painting and creative image-making.
Various institutions, including ELES Studienwerk, Leonardo Scholarship and the DAAD, have supported Grayver’s work and studies.
Her works have been exhibited in galleries and museums.

Since 2014, Liat Gravyer is based and working in Berlin.

Liat Grayver
at the e-David lab, University of Konstanz 2017. Credit Marcus Nebe

at the e-David lab, University of Konstanz 2017. Credit Marcus Nebe

From the solo exhabition " Pinselstriche im digitalen Zeitalter, Interdisziplinäre Forschung in Malerei und Robotik" Halle 14, Spinnerei ( Leipzig,Germany) photo credit;Marcus Nebe

From the solo exhabition " Pinselstriche im digitalen Zeitalter, Interdisziplinäre Forschung in Malerei und Robotik" Halle 14, Spinnerei ( Leipzig,Germany) photo credit;Marcus Nebe

From the solo exhabition " Pinselstriche im digitalen Zeitalter, Interdisziplinäre Forschung in Malerei und Robotik" Halle 14, Spinnerei ( Leipzig,Germany) photo credit;Marcus Nebe

From the solo exhabition " Pinselstriche im digitalen Zeitalter, Interdisziplinäre Forschung in Malerei und Robotik" Halle 14, Spinnerei ( Leipzig,Germany) photo credit;Marcus Nebe

. Robotic painting, photo credit: Liat Grayver

. Robotic painting, photo credit: Liat Grayver

From the solo exhabition " Pinselstriche im digitalen Zeitalter, Interdisziplinäre Forschung in Malerei und Robotik" Halle 14, Spinnerei ( Leipzig,Germany) photo credit;Marcus Nebe

From the solo exhabition " Pinselstriche im digitalen Zeitalter, Interdisziplinäre Forschung in Malerei und Robotik" Halle 14, Spinnerei ( Leipzig,Germany) photo credit;Marcus Nebe

"הפוך בה והפוך בהwende sie und wende sie immer wieder" Solo exhibition. 2015, Tapetenwerk Gallery, Leipzig Germany. Photo: Jens Klein

"הפוך בה והפוך בהwende sie und wende sie immer wieder" Solo exhibition. 2015, Tapetenwerk Gallery, Leipzig Germany. Photo: Jens Klein

"wende sie und wende sie immer wieder" Solo exhibition. 2015, Tapetenwerk Gallery, Leipzig Germany. Photo: Jens Klein

"wende sie und wende sie immer wieder" Solo exhibition. 2015, Tapetenwerk Gallery, Leipzig Germany. Photo: Jens Klein

"wende sie und wende sie immer wieder" Solo exhibition. 2015, Tapetenwerk Gallery, Leipzig Germany. Photo: Jens Klein

"wende sie und wende sie immer wieder" Solo exhibition. 2015, Tapetenwerk Gallery, Leipzig Germany. Photo: Jens Klein

at the print workshope, Leipzig,

at the print workshope, Leipzig,

The robot installation from the solo exhabition " Pinselstriche im digitalen Zeitalter, Interdisziplinäre Forschung in Malerei und Robotik" Halle 14, Spinnerei ( Leipzig,Germany) photo credit;Marcus Nebe

The robot installation from the solo exhabition " Pinselstriche im digitalen Zeitalter, Interdisziplinäre Forschung in Malerei und Robotik" Halle 14, Spinnerei ( Leipzig,Germany) photo credit;Marcus Nebe

Brushstrokes in the Digital Age

Video produced by Marcus Nebe for the exhibition “'Liat Grayver and e-David, Pinselstriche im digitalen Zeitalter“ at the Halle 14, Baumwollspinnerei Leipzig ( 2017).




Étude de l’objet, Kurt Tucholsky Museum (Rheinberg, Germany)

Pinselstriche im digitalen Zeitalter, Interdisziplinäre Forschung in Malerei und Robotik. Halle 14, Spinnerei ( Leipzig,Germany)

Brush Strokes at the Digital Age. Weizmann Institute of Science. curator, yivsam azgad (Rehovot, Israel)

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Supervision, Studio Lange Strasse 31 (Frankfurt, Germany)

Pleinair, Galerie Huber & Treff (Jena, Germany)

Leipziger Grafikbörse, Museum Schloß Burgk (Burgk, Germany)

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Süddeutsche Zeitung: Selbstbildnis eines Roboters Malen, dichten, komponieren: Maschinen lernen, Kunst zu machen. Bislang ahmen sie den Menschen vor allem nach. Aber können Algorithmen auch wirklich kreativ sein?

Bayerischer Rundfunk Können Roboter Kunst erschaffen?Menschliche Maschine: Informatiker und Künstlerin forschen mit Malroboter E-David

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Tucholsky Museum for Literature, Rheinsberg Palace, residence scholarship 2016-17

Travel grants for international Project, (Auslandsförderung) New-York, USA 2014

Travel grants for international Project, (Auslandsförderung) Cambridge, USA 2016

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EDUCATION (detailed)

Accademia di Belle Arti (Napoli, Italy) 2013-14

Dilplom (MFA) in class of Heribert C. Ottersbach, Hochschule für Grafik und Buchkunst (Leipzig, Germany) 2011-15

Meisterschülerin, (Postgraduate) in the class of H. C. Ottersbach (Painting), Academie of Fine Art (Leipzig, Germany) 2015-2017

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