Fabio Luks
Portrait des Armand Ohrbaum, 2020
80,0 x 60,0 x 2,0 cm | 31,5 x 23,6 x 0,8 inch
1.950,00 € excl. VAT
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At the center of Fabio Luks' work are the image, the text, and the writing. Texts become images, and letters unfold their figurative potential. In his painting he develops his own pictorial cosmos, into which surreal elements as well as everyday things flow. Themes such as communication, transience, space, the absurd and the role of artists in society play an important role for him.
From an exhibition text by Michael Babics:
At the center of Fabio Luks' work are the image, the text, and the writing. Texts become images, and letters unfold their figurative potential. In his painting he develops his own pictorial cosmos, into which surreal elements as well as everyday things flow. Themes such as communication, transience, space, the absurd and the role of artists in society play an important role for him.
From an exhibition text by Michael Babics:
The playful approach to language, a field he has dealt with extensively in his previous art work, continues to play an important role. Newly, figurative and surreal aspects also flow in. A recurring motif in his new works is the ear. A body part that took on an increasing urgency for Fabio Luks with his preoccupation with Vincent van Gogh and the theme of Fame after Death. As an anatomically highly interesting entity, the ear possesses a plastic quality that is now explored in painting. In Fabio Luks' paintings, the ear detaches itself from the human body and its original function and appears autonomously in various contexts. The ear appropriates a figurative liveliness and looks like an eye out of the ear opening into the explorable world
Le finestre che piangono,2021,Ausstellungsansicht Villa Renata: 180 × 150 cm, Öl, Tusche und Acryl auf Leinwand (Foto: © Julian Salinas)
Early birds on a Sunday,2021,Ausstellungsansicht Villa Renata: 110 × 90 cm, Öl und Acryl auf Leinwand (Foto: © Julian Salinas)
One ear but still no mouth,2021,Ausstellungsansicht Villa Renata: 140 × 170 cm, Öl und Acryl auf Leinwand (Foto: © Julian Salinas)
So wahr ich hier stehe, rauche und winke,2021,Ausstellungsansicht Villa Renata: 60 × 40 cm, Öl und Acryl auf Leinwand, (Foto: © Julian Salinas)
Two ears and no mouth / Faughts / I, Ear, You,2021,150×150cm / 30×40cm / 110×90cm, Öl auf Leinwand (Fotos: © Stefan Rohner)
Exhibition view: Fame After Death: The Prologue, Balzer Projects, Basel, Switzerland (Foto © Nici Jost)
Exhibition view: Fame After Death: The Prologue, Balzer Projects, Basel, Switzerland (Foto © Nici Jost)
Exhibition view: Fame After Death: The Prologue, Balzer Projects, Basel, Switzerland (Foto © Nici Jost)
2018, Jubiläumswettbewerb 10 Jahre Erweiterungsbau Kunsthaus Grenchen, CH
2014-2016 Institut Kunst, FHNW, Basel, Switzerland
80,0 x 60,0 x 2,0 cm | 31,5 x 23,6 x 0,8 inch
1.950,00 € excl. VAT
150,0 x 110,0 x 2,0 cm | 59,1 x 43,3 x 0,8 inch
3.660,00 € excl. VAT
110,0 x 90,0 x 2,0 cm | 43,3 x 35,4 x 0,8 inch
2.820,00 € excl. VAT
155,0 x 155,0 x 2,0 cm | 61,0 x 61,0 x 0,8 inch
4.360,00 € excl. VAT