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Birte Bosse Main Profile Image

Photo: Marco Dirr

Birte Bosse

Berlin / Germany

Collage, Drawing, Installation, Painting, Photography, Sculpture, Video • Born in Gehrden (Hannover) / Germany • Studied at HBK Braunschweig / Germany

Published  01/02/2016   |   Updated  26/11/2023

Art is not what I know, it's what I don't know yet.

The line is "thought", Paul Klee (1879-1940) formulated in his art theory at the beginning of the 20th century, and the thought is "medium between earth and cosmos". The line makes the invisible visible, translates reflections into pictures that can be experienced by the senses. It marks shapes and defines objects. At the same time, it is "the first moving act", and thus creative. It becomes art. For the Bauhaus artist, drawing was an...

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The line is "thought", Paul Klee (1879-1940) formulated in his art theory at the beginning of the 20th century, and the thought is "medium between earth and cosmos". The line makes the invisible visible, translates reflections into pictures that can be experienced by the senses. It marks shapes and defines objects. At the same time, it is "the first moving act", and thus creative. It becomes art. For the Bauhaus artist, drawing was an experimental field for thinking about art - and life.

from the text "Le Squad" by Linda Peitz (translated)

...ephemeral traces and shifting impressions. In thinking about and through the line, its constant ebb and flow and various intersections coalesce to materialize the state of being in process.

from the article by Julianne Cordray (@berlinartlink)

Birte Bosse
"Argument", 2020, steel and paper, dimensions variable, duo show with Thomas Rentmeister @ Diskurs, Berlin

"Argument", 2020, steel and paper, dimensions variable, duo show with Thomas Rentmeister @ Diskurs, Berlin

"Wigwam", 2020, steel @ Out There, Skulpturengarten Metzdorf, Brandenburg

"Wigwam", 2020, steel @ Out There, Skulpturengarten Metzdorf, Brandenburg

Detail_"Wigwam", 2020, steel @ Out There, Skulpturengarten Metzdorf, Brandenburg

Detail_"Wigwam", 2020, steel @ Out There, Skulpturengarten Metzdorf, Brandenburg

"Le Squad", 2019, steel, dimensions variable @ Galerie Gisela Clement, Bonn

"Le Squad", 2019, steel, dimensions variable @ Galerie Gisela Clement, Bonn

"Philip Guston" / Le Squad, 2019, steel, 154, 60 x 56 cm

"Philip Guston" / Le Squad, 2019, steel, 154, 60 x 56 cm

"Leseecke", 2020, steel, dimensions variable

"Leseecke", 2020, steel, dimensions variable

Spacedrawings_010, 2020, brass, iron wire

Spacedrawings_010, 2020, brass, iron wire

Spacedrawings_001, 2020, brass, iron wire

Spacedrawings_001, 2020, brass, iron wire

Spacedrawings_005 2020, brass, iron wire

Spacedrawings_005 2020, brass, iron wire

Spacedrawings_007 2020, brass, iron wire, 28 x 17 x 17 cm

Spacedrawings_007 2020, brass, iron wire, 28 x 17 x 17 cm

Spacedrawings_008 2020, brass, iron wire, 24 x 12 x 11 cm

Spacedrawings_008 2020, brass, iron wire, 24 x 12 x 11 cm

Spacedrawings_011 (Philip Mini Guston) 2020, brass, iron wire

Spacedrawings_011 (Philip Mini Guston) 2020, brass, iron wire

Zur Ausstellung Contemplatio: Birte Bosse & Thomas Rentmeister im Gespräch mit Barbara Green_Teil 1

Zur Ausstellung Contemplatio: Birte Bosse & Thomas Rentmeister im Gespräch mit Barbara Green_Teil 2

What is it about your studio space that inspires you?

The morning sun draws shapes onto the wall and the floor. I like to sit quietly with my coffee and read a book before I start my day.

What sounds, scents and sights do you encounter while in your studio?

Mostly there is much coming and going during the week, but sometimes it can be very calm. The light that falls through our top windows is always nice and I like to listen to musik while I work.

What is your favourite material to work with? How has your use of it evolved throughout your practice?

I can´t say that steel bars are my favourite material but it happens to be my main material for now. I like the possibilities it gives me, but it also shows me limits I dont like, but have to face.

What themes do you pursue?

The themes seem to appear with the process and seem to be about the process itself.

What advice has had the biggest impact on your career?

Just go! Don´t look too much left and right.

If you could install your art absolutely anywhere, where would that be?

On top of the alps, somewhere in the snow or in some real desert, like Nevada.

If you could only have one piece of art in your life, what would it be?

That woul be very sad. It would mean that I can not make art anymore, because I already have many pieces of art made by myself (and friends too).

If you weren´t an artist, what would you be doing?

I like to think I´d be a professional snowboarder or a musician... or an architect.... or a scientist at sea. Maybe I can be a bit of everthing.

What are your favourite places besides your studio?

I love to be close to nature. That can be in Sweden, where my mother lives or in the mountains or by the sea. I´d like to take my art or at least my thaught process about it wherever I go.




Paralaxxe @ BarK Berlin, Berlin

ARGUMENT, duo show with Thomas Rentmeister @ Diskurs, Berlin

2@SP2, duo show with Fritz Bornstück @ SP2, Berlin

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Out There, Skulpturengarten Metzdorf, Brandenburg

ELF @ Schaufenster, Berlin

CONTEMPLATIO, online exhibition @ www.contemplatio.art

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Privat Collection, Bohn

Privat Collection, Casper/ Haischer

Privat Collection, Holtkamp

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EDUCATION (detailed)

2012 Diplom/ HBK-Braunschweig, Germany

2013/ Maeisterschüler of Bogomir Ecker / HBK-Braunschweig, Germany

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