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Alexandra Baumgartner Main Profile Image

Alexandra Baumgartner

Berlin, Germany and Vienna, Austria

Collage, Drawing, Installation, Mixed media, Painting • Born in Salzburg, Austria • Studied at University of Applied Arts Vienna

Published  05/08/2014   |   Updated  19/09/2017


Alexandra Baumgartner
Reversion, 2016, Pigment Print on Alu Dibond, Mirror, each 160x120cm

Reversion, 2016, Pigment Print on Alu Dibond, Mirror, each 160x120cm

exhibition view 2015, entreakt, städtisches museum engen

exhibition view 2015, entreakt, städtisches museum engen

Education, 2015, Ölfarbe auf Collage, 40x30cm

Education, 2015, Ölfarbe auf Collage, 40x30cm

Morsum, 2015, sewing thread on photo, 40x30cm

Morsum, 2015, sewing thread on photo, 40x30cm

Intervall, 2015, Mixed Media, Dimensions Variable

Intervall, 2015, Mixed Media, Dimensions Variable

2 Harps, 2015, wood, lacquer, strings, 2,30m x 1,50m

2 Harps, 2015, wood, lacquer, strings, 2,30m x 1,50m

Symbiosis, 2016, piano feet, 21 × 118 × 21 cm

Symbiosis, 2016, piano feet, 21 × 118 × 21 cm

Comb, 2017, Oil/Canvas, 55x70cm

Comb, 2017, Oil/Canvas, 55x70cm

Hypnose, 2013, Mixed Media, Maße variabel

Hypnose, 2013, Mixed Media, Maße variabel

Crucifixion (36Watt), 2015, Trenchcoat und Leuchtstoffröhre, Maße variabel

Crucifixion (36Watt), 2015, Trenchcoat und Leuchtstoffröhre, Maße variabel

What is it about your studio space that inspires you?


What sounds, scents and sights do you encounter while in your studio?

With music.

What is your favourite material to work with? How has your use of it evolved throughout your practice?

Found photography.

What themes do you pursue?

Psychic abysses...mortality..fears..loss of control...love...

What advice has had the biggest impact on your career?

Go ahead!

If you could install your art absolutely anywhere, where would that be?

In a church.

If you weren´t an artist, what would you be doing?


What are your favourite places besides your studio?

My bed.

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