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Alexander Karner Main Profile Image

bildrecht, bzw. alexander karner

Alexander Karner


Collage, Conceptual art, Installation, Painting, Photography • Born in vienna • Studied at frankfurt/main, hochschule für bildende kunst

Published  16/03/2017   |   Updated  25/11/2024

accumulations, concepts, transformations,

my work is belonging to the postmodernism, so I am reflecting and refering to art history of the last century. my main workgroups are "amorphous roses on metal", "materialaccumulations on metal" and prints from those accumulations, realiced on paper, linen and cotton. but I am also producing a lot of graphic arts, some of them colored with oil or acryl. I am not only working with topics and concepts, comparing to the problems of contemporary...

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my work is belonging to the postmodernism, so I am reflecting and refering to art history of the last century. my main workgroups are "amorphous roses on metal", "materialaccumulations on metal" and prints from those accumulations, realiced on paper, linen and cotton. but I am also producing a lot of graphic arts, some of them colored with oil or acryl. I am not only working with topics and concepts, comparing to the problems of contemporary society, I am also working inspired of special kind of rooms, or atmosphers.

Alexander Karner
atelieransicht schottenfeldgasse 01

atelieransicht schottenfeldgasse 01

atelieransicht schottenfeldgasse 02

atelieransicht schottenfeldgasse 02

atelieransicht schottenfeldgasse 03

atelieransicht schottenfeldgasse 03

atelieransicht schottenfeldgasse 04

atelieransicht schottenfeldgasse 04

atelieransicht schottenfeldgasse 05

atelieransicht schottenfeldgasse 05

arbeitsraum scheibengasse 01

arbeitsraum scheibengasse 01

werkstatt und bilderlager siebenbrunnengasse

werkstatt und bilderlager siebenbrunnengasse

projekt landegger, mischtechnik, öl auf metall, 397x331cm, 2006, 01

projekt landegger, mischtechnik, öl auf metall, 397x331cm, 2006, 01

projekt landegger, mischtechnik, öl auf metall, 391x337cm, 2006, 02

projekt landegger, mischtechnik, öl auf metall, 391x337cm, 2006, 02

projekt evva, mischtechnik, öl und schlüsselakkumulation auf metall, 130x390cm, var.01 v. 2007-2012

projekt evva, mischtechnik, öl und schlüsselakkumulation auf metall, 130x390cm, var.01 v. 2007-2012

projekt evva, mischtechnik, öl und schlüsselakkumulation auf metall, 130x390cm, var.02 v. 2012-2017

projekt evva, mischtechnik, öl und schlüsselakkumulation auf metall, 130x390cm, var.02 v. 2012-2017

projekt kaffeepause-tresen, öl auf metall, 98x186cm

projekt kaffeepause-tresen, öl auf metall, 98x186cm

projekt stiegenhaus chefetage, oil on metal, 111x202cm

projekt stiegenhaus chefetage, oil on metal, 111x202cm

projekt rezeption, schlüsselakkumulationen auf metall, je 128x116cm

projekt rezeption, schlüsselakkumulationen auf metall, je 128x116cm

projekt hafner krischke, "schroeders bundesadler", metall auf metall, 128x128cm

projekt hafner krischke, "schroeders bundesadler", metall auf metall, 128x128cm

ausstellung projektraum wuk wien, malerei und plastik

ausstellung projektraum wuk wien, malerei und plastik

ausstellung projektraum wuk wien, rosenserie, malerei, plastik, 2000

ausstellung projektraum wuk wien, rosenserie, malerei, plastik, 2000

ausstellung projektraum wuk wien, "geburt der venus"

ausstellung projektraum wuk wien, "geburt der venus"

ausstellung schieberkammer, wien; scherbenakkumulation, dm 400cm

ausstellung schieberkammer, wien; scherbenakkumulation, dm 400cm

ausstellung kunsthalle krems factory, informelle plastik und materialbild auf metall

ausstellung kunsthalle krems factory, informelle plastik und materialbild auf metall

projekt veranda villa weiss, ligist/austria; begehbare schlüsselakkumulation auf metall, unter glas

projekt veranda villa weiss, ligist/austria; begehbare schlüsselakkumulation auf metall, unter glas

available painting: "rose", R01,02-10, mixed media, oil on metal, 120x240cm, 2010

available painting: "rose", R01,02-10, mixed media, oil on metal, 120x240cm, 2010

R01M01-14, mixed media, oil and keyaccumulation on metal, 120x240cm, 2014

R01M01-14, mixed media, oil and keyaccumulation on metal, 120x240cm, 2014

available painting: L11-14, frottage, printed from keyaccumulation M01-14, mixed media on cotton, 135x234cm, 2014

available painting: L11-14, frottage, printed from keyaccumulation M01-14, mixed media on cotton, 135x234cm, 2014

available painting: L12-13, frottage printed from keyaccumulation M03-09, mixed media on cotton, 247x146cm, 2013

available painting: L12-13, frottage printed from keyaccumulation M03-09, mixed media on cotton, 247x146cm, 2013

available painting: G02-14, frottage on paper, printed from keyaccumulation M09-10, 70x100cm, 2014

available painting: G02-14, frottage on paper, printed from keyaccumulation M09-10, 70x100cm, 2014

If you could install your art absolutely anywhere, where would that be?

I would put all my works together in some kind of installation comparing to the idea of "Russischer Hängung" on the middle of a eastsided wall at one of the "Bunker im Augarten" at Vienna,

If you could only have one piece of art in your life, what would it be?

after this kind of fictitious apocalypse, I would like to live with one of those tattooded pigs of Wim Delvoye, but a living one..

If you weren´t an artist, what would you be doing?

I would work as a curator, or as a gallerist, in any case I would work with art




Alexander Karner, "Re-Tabuisierungen", Galerie Ursula Stross, Joanneumring 6, 8010 Graz


Tabubruch und/oder Retabuisierung, Kunstraum David, Wien


„Malerei, Materialakkumulationen, Frottagen“, Galerie Kunst&Handel, Haus Frey, Graz

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Kontraste, Alexander Karner, Helga Scholler, 04.05.-29.05.18; Galerie Ursula Stross, Galerientage Graz,


Weihnachtsausstellung in der Sammlung Infeld, Haus der Kultur, Halbturn/Ö; Alexander Karner, Annemarie Baumgarten, Hermine Karigl-Wagenhofer, Martina Reinhart

2013, 2014

„A.E.I.O.U. Österreichische Aspekte in der Sammlung Würth“, Museum Würth, Künzelsau/D, Katalog

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Collection Burgenländische Landesgalerie, Eisenstadt, Austria

Collection Eduard Urban, Waidhofen/Ybbs, Austria

Collection Infeld, Halbturn, Austria

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Galerie ARCC-art, no binding contract | https://www.arcc-art.com/

Galerie Appel Frankfurt am Main, no binding contract | http://www.galerie-appel.de/

Galerie Kunst und Handel, Graz, no binding contract | http://www.kunstundhandel.com


Ausstellungskatalog, A.E.I.O.U. Österreichische Aspekte in der Sammlung Würth, Museum Würth, Hg. C. Sylvia Weber, Swiridoff Verlag, Künzelsau 2014

Sammlung Würth 3, Einblick Ausblick Überblick, Hg. C. Sylvia Weber, Swiridoff Verlag, Künzelsau 2008

Ausstellungskatalog, Nitsch, Vorbilder, Zeitgenossen, Lehre, Hg. Peter Bogner, Künstlerhaus Wien 2009

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EDUCATION (detailed)

2002-2003 Studies Klasse Hermann Nitsch Staatliche Hochschule für Bildende Künste/Frankfurt am Main

2003-2004 Studies Klasse Simon Starling, Staatliche Hochschule für Bildende Künste/Frankfurt am Main

Buy artworks by Alexander Karner

D119, Digital photography on Fujicolor Crystal paper, 7 + 2AP, Foto: Alexander Karner, Copyright bildrecht, Wien, Price: 360.- | Alexander Karner | available artwork

Alexander Karner

D119, Digital photography on Fujicolor Crystal paper, 7 + 2AP, Foto: Alexander Karner, Copyright bildrecht, Wien, Price: 360.-, 2021

39,0 x 22,0 cm | 15,4 x 8,7 inch

360,00 € excl. VAT

D40, Digital Photography on Fujicolor Crystal paper; 7 + 2AP, Foto: Alexander Karner, Copyright bildrecht, Wien; 360.- Euro | Alexander Karner | available artwork

Alexander Karner

D40, Digital Photography on Fujicolor Crystal paper; 7 + 2AP, Foto: Alexander Karner, Copyright bildrecht, Wien; 360.- Euro, 2021

39,0 x 22,0 cm | 15,4 x 8,7 inch

360,00 € excl. VAT

D181, Digital Photography on Fujicolor Crystal paper; 7 + 2AP, Foto: Alexander Karner, Copyright bildrecht, Wien; 520.- Euro | Alexander Karner | available artwork

Alexander Karner

D181, Digital Photography on Fujicolor Crystal paper; 7 + 2AP, Foto: Alexander Karner, Copyright bildrecht, Wien; 520.- Euro, 2021

58,5 x 32,9 cm | 23,0 x 13,0 inch

520,00 € excl. VAT

D188, Digital Photography on Fujicolor Crystal paper; 7 + 2AP, Foto: Alexander Karner, Copyright bildrecht, Wien; 420.- Euro | Alexander Karner | available artwork

Alexander Karner

D188, Digital Photography on Fujicolor Crystal paper; 7 + 2AP, Foto: Alexander Karner, Copyright bildrecht, Wien; 420.- Euro, 2021

29,0 x 39,0 cm | 11,4 x 15,4 inch

420,00 € excl. VAT

D771, Digital Photography on Fujicolor Crystal paper; 7 + 2AP, Foto: Alexander Karner, Copyright bildrecht, Wien; 420.- Euro | Alexander Karner | available artwork

Alexander Karner

D771, Digital Photography on Fujicolor Crystal paper; 7 + 2AP, Foto: Alexander Karner, Copyright bildrecht, Wien; 420.- Euro, 2021

39,0 x 29,0 cm | 15,4 x 11,4 inch

420,00 € excl. VAT

D64, Digital Photography on Fujicolor Crystal paper; 7 + 2AP, Foto: Alexander Karner, Copyright bildrecht, Wien; 360.- Euro | Alexander Karner | available artwork

Alexander Karner

D64, Digital Photography on Fujicolor Crystal paper; 7 + 2AP, Foto: Alexander Karner, Copyright bildrecht, Wien; 360.- Euro, 2021

39,0 x 22,0 cm | 15,4 x 8,7 inch

360,00 € excl. VAT

D19, Digital Photography on Fujicolor Crystal paper; 7 + 2AP, Foto: Alexander Karner, Copyright bildrecht, Wien; Price: 360.- Euro | Alexander Karner | available artwork

Alexander Karner

D19, Digital Photography on Fujicolor Crystal paper; 7 + 2AP, Foto: Alexander Karner, Copyright bildrecht, Wien; Price: 360.- Euro, 2021

39,0 x 22,0 cm | 15,4 x 8,7 inch

360,00 € excl. VAT

D00, Digital Photography on Fujicolor Crystal paper; 7 + 2AP, Foto: Alexander Karner, Copyright bildrecht/wien; Price: 360.- Euro | Alexander Karner | available artwork

Alexander Karner

D00, Digital Photography on Fujicolor Crystal paper; 7 + 2AP, Foto: Alexander Karner, Copyright bildrecht/wien; Price: 360.- Euro, 2021

39,0 x 22,0 cm | 15,4 x 8,7 inch

360,00 € excl. VAT

D329, Digital Photography on Fujicolor Crystal paper; 21 + 2AP, Foto: Alexander Karner, Copyright bildrecht, Wien; 520.- Euro | Alexander Karner | available artwork

Alexander Karner

D329, Digital Photography on Fujicolor Crystal paper; 21 + 2AP, Foto: Alexander Karner, Copyright bildrecht, Wien; 520.- Euro, 2021

58,5 x 32,9 cm | 23,0 x 13,0 inch

520,00 € excl. VAT

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