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untitled body for Direkte Aktion is still on view in the show YUMMY curated by Mascha Naumova & Grigori Dor

Posted on September 20, 2021

on view until Sep 25, open Tue - Sun, 11 - 7 pm
The showroom, Potsdamer Str. 93, Berlin

The human pursuit of attractiveness was and is a global phenomenon. Across cultures and times, it pervades the entire history of mankind, whereby there does not seem to be a uniform criterion for the beautiful. In a postmodern society, we are inundated with visual stimuli. Advertising and mass media lure and seduce us with ideal images, suggest what is worth striving for and show ways and means to get there. Brands generate breathtaking images and promise more fulfillment, happiness and success with their goods. The fashion, cosmetics and lifestyle industries thrive on the promise of beauty. We combine the perfect appearance and possession of beautiful things with a high quality of life and hope that this will result in social acceptance and belonging.

In the fine arts, too, optical perfection and external attractiveness have been regarded as the greatest good through the centuries, and have been the ultimate attraction. What significance does this topic have in contemporary art, which is so important to people in our time and at the same time so strongly emotionally charged? Is visual attraction an expression of subjective feelings or can it be explored scientifically? Is visual seduction always good?

Our slot “YUMMY! the power of attraction ”with a multitude of current artistic positions in the media of painting, photography, sculpture and digital art.

Curators: Mascha Naumova & Grigori Dor

untitled body for Direkte Aktion is still on view in the show YUMMY curated by Mascha Naumova & Grigori Dor   |  News