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Posted on April 17, 2018

Surface   |  News

Uta Reinhardt I Surface I April 26 - June 6 I Art Ventures Gallery, 888 Santa Cruz Avenue, Menlo Park, Ca, USA
opening reception: April 26th, 6 - 9 pm

(...)Besides the permanent influence of the history of painting, the pictures live from abstractions consciously copied from nature. For Uta Reinhardt, this pupation is a painted distance to all the content. Artificial landscapes emerge which permit us to look into the familiar and into the unknown. By processing the oil colours, the image remains in a state of transformation. One senses the presence of the previous states, a traversing through the paint application and the nature of the material. If there is a secret, it is on the surface, stranger than fiction, so to speak.(...) Katharina Powers,

Everything is in the painting itself. Fine lines, overpainting, thrown, liquid, translucent colour. There are parts like glass, there are parts like dust . There is no autonomy of nothing. Astonishment : Certainty, doubt, love, discomfort and instinct . Everything, that connects us to the world, is there on the surface. Painting is incompatible with much of what is required of a mature citizen. As such, I try to remain an unimpressed painter. My pictures are accomplices, the material color is freely changeable as earth, water, fire, air. Uta Reinhardt

Surface   |  News