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Ruprecht von Kaufmann: ‘Event Horizon’

Posted on March 29, 2017

Ruprecht von Kaufmann: ‘Event Horizon’   |  News
Ruprecht von Kaufmann: ‘Event Horizon’

The Bavarian-born, California-educated painter Ruprecht von Kaufmann is currently showing a suite of figurative paintings at the Kristin Hjellegjerde Gallery in London. Irregular, collaged elements of his paintings sometimes burst across their rectangular boundaries, flowing across the gallery walls with Baroque enthusiasm. His dreamlike sequences—momentary glimpses of something else—offer viewers a moment of imaginative connection, and the chance to recognize fleeting and universal emotions. In essence, Von Kaufmann creates a realm of parallel universes that open up questions most painters wouldn’t even begin to know how to ask.

John Seed Interviews Ruprecht von Kaufmann..
