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Posted on February 10, 2017


Who needs recreation at the Baltic Sea:
the exhibition "MALVERWANDTSCHAFTEN" in the Stralsund Museum runs until April 30th.
Tuesday to Sunday 10am-5pm

A group exhibition of the Berlin painters: Kathrin Rank, Claudia Hauptmann, Susanne Maurer, Mirko Schallenberg, Stefan Schwarzmüller and Marc Taschowsky

Among the others, you can see the the new paintings of Kathrin Rank. Her paintings reveal insights and outlooks. They play with shadow and light. Backlight turns figures into silhouettes. The background pushes forward and embeds the silhouettes in colour. The superficial resigns and is put into relation to the painted surroundings. Objects fade through surface and contour. The accidental gains importance through colour. Colour is perceived as an abstract and sensual art which transforms into something pictured. The outside is a gateway for the inside, outside landscape turns to inner landscape.
