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LEIKO IKEMURA @ Galerie Michael Haas

Posted on May 2, 2016

LEIKO IKEMURA @ Galerie Michael Haas   |  News
LEIKO IKEMURA @ Galerie Michael Haas

Figurative paintings and drawings were to be seen at Galerie Michael Haas. In a abutting space evocative figurative paintings by the artist Paiula Moderson-Becker are on view. Leikos unique visual language is characterized by imaginative creatures and ethereal landscapes where everything blends to a calming whole. The interplay of the raw canvas, colors and shapes create a vibrant atmosphere that seems both familiar and strange but deeply emotional.

Text & photos by Lucas Recchione

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LEIKO IKEMURA @ Galerie Michael Haas   |  News
LEIKO IKEMURA @ Galerie Michael Haas