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Zeitenwende 1.1


Event Type:



CSR. Contemporary Showroom, Friedrichstrasse 69, Quartier 205, 10117 Berlin, Germany


April 27, 2023 - May 20, 2023


Tue-Sat. 11-7

27th April 2023

Zeitenwende 1.1   |  Event
Zeitenwende 1.1

"ZEITENWENDE - Art and Society", CSR Gallery
27 Apr 2023 - 21 May 2023

With the exhibition "ZEITENWENDE - Art and Society", DEEDS LAB gUG presents relevant contemporary art at special, temporary exhibition venues in Berlin. The exhibition ZEITENWENDE is intended as an annual periodical and presents in its pilot works of art of all genres by international artists, regardless of origin, age or gender, on social, cultural and artistic turns of the new millennium. The approved genres are Painting, Drawing, Sculpture, Collage, Photography, Urban Contemporary, Film + Video, Performance, Object, Installation, Digital Art, Mixed Media, Glass, Light, Sound, Kinetics, Textile in the styles Abstract, Figurative, Realistic, Constructivist, Hyperrealistic, Calligraphic, Pointilistic, Landscape, Surrealistic and Gestural.
Zeitenwende Part 1 -On the occasion of Gallery Weekend Berlin 2023 at CSR.ART – Friedrichstraße 69
CSR - Contemporary Show Room
Friedrichstraße 67-70
The concept of “ZEITENWENDE – ZEITEN WENDEN” is of particular topicality and relevance as we are in an era of various transformations. This exhibition offers an opportunity to deepen and broaden our own engagement with the challenges of this time. The artists participating in this exhibition present their unique perspective on the world through their unique artistic expression. Their works challenge us as viewers to question ourselves and discover new ways of seeing.
The exhibition “ZEITENWENDE – ZEITEN WENDEN” invites you to experience the power of art and its significance in times of change, and to immerse yourself in a world of creativity, thinking and reflection.

artist list:
Albrecht/Wilke, Khaled Barakeh, Bas2, Katerina Belkina, Anne Bengard, Laurenz Bostedt, Benedikt Braun, Michael Busse, Kerstin Dzewior, Margret Eicher, FABIFA, Jeanne Fredac, Torben Giehler, Julija Goyd, Lennart Grau, Jiny Lan, Joax, Olena Klochko, Gita Kurdpoor, Miriam Lenk, Jonathan Meese, Tom Meier, Stephan Meissner, Anna Mirkin, Jan Muche, Nafir, Parisurteil, Jörn Reiners, Kimo von Rekowski, Victoria Rosenman, Römer + Römer, Manuela Sambo, Daniel Sambo-Richter, Olaf Schirm, Snyder
Luisa Stroh, Daniel Maria Thurau, Tobo, Saverio Tonoli Adamo, Kata Unger, Maria Volokhova, Wiebke Maria Wachmann, Stella Winter, Thomas Wommelsdorf, Anne Wölk, Xianwei Zhu, Sahar Zukerman

Zeitenwende 1.1   |  Event
Zeitenwende 1.1
Zeitenwende 1.1
Zeitenwende 1.1
Zeitenwende 1.1

The Great Silence, 2022, Oil on canvas, 100 x 240 cm