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Under Construction

Posted on January 5, 2017


Event Type:



Schau Fenster, Lobeckstraße 30-35, 10969 Berlin


January 13, 2017 - January 29, 2017


Fri-Sun 3-8pm and by appointment

Opening: Friday 13th January 2017, 7pm

Under Construction   |  Event
Under Construction

Group Exhibition with:
Minor Alexander, Erik Andersen, Angelika Arendt, Emanuel Bernstone, Viktoria Binschtok, Emmanuel Bornstein, Sophie Calle, Nezaket Ekici, Alex Flemming, Philipp Fürhofer, GODsDOGs, Anna Jermolaewa, Karsten Konrad, Miriam Lenk, Alexandra Ranner, Thomas Rentmeister, Römer + Römer, Michael Sailstorfer, Barthélémy Toguo, Marcel van Eeden, Peter Weibel, Claudia Wieser, Christopher Winter, Vadim Zakharov, David Zink Yi

Curators: Römer + Römer; Co-Curator: Erik Andersen

Funded by Haupstadtkulturfonds

Opening: 13.01.2017 at 7pm
8pm: Special acts Yaneq and Mischa Tangian
9pm: Performance by Barthélémy Toguo