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Sitting in a hole that has the shape of a frightened cat

Posted on November 21, 2017

Event Type:



Union Gallery, 94 Teesdale Street


November 15, 2017 - January 15, 2018


Wednesday-Saturday 12-6pm

Sitting in a hole that has the shape of a frightened cat   |  Event
Sitting in a hole that has the shape of a frightened cat

“What was the first person‘s biggest fear?“

Each age has it’s own anxieties, desires and possibilities. Markus Vater‘s work attempts to locate these anxieties, desires and possibilities in our modern age. While our public spaces are becoming more and more privatised, we are seeing this happen within our inner spaces.

The virtual has created tools of psycho invasion and control. Sitting in a Hole that has the Shape of a Frightened Cat poetically analyses our privatised psycho locations and by doing so hopes to unravel and resist the processes at work. The reality, which is present in his work, is rich, infantile, full of wonder and surprising connections, but also complex and fragile.

Drawings, animations and paintings form a soulful and strange installation in the gallery.