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SHINE LANDSCAPE AWARD International Contemporary Art Exhibition February, 28 2020 – March 20, 2020

Posted on January 25, 2020


Event Type:



MADS Gallery, Corso San Gottardo 18 1 Milan Italy


February 28, 2020 - March 20, 2020

SHINE LANDSCAPE AWARD International Contemporary Art Exhibition February, 28 2020 – March 20, 2020   |  Event
SHINE LANDSCAPE AWARD  International Contemporary Art Exhibition February, 28 2020 - March 20, 2020

Incipit curated by Carlo Greco, Art Director

Let us turn to the luminescence and spirituality of the artists, whether they are sculptors or photographers, painters or video artists,of centuries ago or contemporary.
Shine wants to be the gathering.
The works seen as Iiaison between the immortality of the act of creating and its interlocutors. Artists seen as so many Charon, who pass from one world to another. Carriers of new conceptualities, trends,jashions, languages; new ideas and lifestyles.We are lookingfor a way to survive, we haue lost the purity and the one that resists, persists in the bowels of our memories. Landscapes, sunrises and sunsets are nothing more than nuances. Fine touches of souls kissed by Iove towards creation, towards everything in it, inside. The material light merges with the spiritual one.The perception of immensity crossed in a work,is the gift of a true artist.

Being an artist jor many can last an etemity, until death, jor others only a small moment that echoes to infinity and this last echo does not necessarily haue to be listened, seen andjor lived by everyone. Just a single heart is enough.In which to make a breach.