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Richard Devereux – viewing by appointment

Posted on May 28, 2023


Event Type:

One-person exhibition


Showing Space, floor two, 5 Silver Street, Lincoln LN1 1LB UK


May 22, 2023 - March 30, 2024


appointment only

Richard Devereux – viewing by appointment   |  Event
Richard Devereux - viewing by appointment

By appointment only, please contact via DM - https://www.instagram.com/richard_devereux/ or telephone: +44 07341692642

Richard Devereux – viewing by appointment   |  Event
Richard Devereux - viewing by appointment
Richard Devereux - viewing by appointment
Richard Devereux - viewing by appointment
Richard Devereux - viewing by appointment

THIS IS NOW ( s. I nos. I and II ) 2000, carbon deposit on 100% cotton fibre 72.0 x 49.0 cm