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Proximity and Distance

Posted on February 11, 2021


Event Type:



Kunstraum LLC, 20 Grand Ave, Space 509, Brooklyn, NY 11205


February 28, 2021 - March 28, 2021


Thu - Sat 12-6 PM by appointment only

Proximity and Distance   |  Event
Proximity and Distance

2017. Oil, oilskins, and zinc on linen.

Proximity and Distance brings together artworks with intrinsic values of wholeness and time, giving hope during the historical turning point of a worldwide crisis. Featuring Berlin and New York-based artists Isabelle Borges, Carson Fox, Axel Geis, Anna Grath, Katherine Jackson, Stella Meris, Habby Osk, and Paul Wesenberg, the exhibition focuses on the shared belief that rapidly changing times require a new search for artistic language—one that offers calm and resilience in the face of the complexities of our lives.

The artists in this show are united by the distinctiveness of their independent studio practice. They use different techniques, materials, and visual languages, yet their resulting works communicate with each other. All of the works offer an inherent stillness and comfort that allows us to take a mental breath and slow down to reflect. The inherent faith of the artists and the care that goes into these artworks grant a calm that can metaphorically offer proximity and distance from life's challenges.