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Posted on March 25, 2020


Event Type:



Berlin, Hertzberg Strasse, 27


April 10, 2020


6 - 10

10 April 2020

Pangolin   |  Event


* This exhibition will go ahead but visitors can only view online *

This exhibition WILL go ahead in Berlin but I imagine we will all be on lockdown by then so I will stream it :)
New paintings and sculptures by Lee Wagstaff.
When I began this project in October I could not have imagined what is happening right now. When I was working with algorithms to create these designs to paint from I thought they looked a bit like pangolin scales.
Pangolins as I am sure many of you know are these very rare and unusual mammals that are covered in scales. They walk a bit like dinosaurs and only eat ants and termites. They are the most trafficked animal in the world, in China their meat is a delicacy and their scales are used in Chinese medicine.
Pangolins as well as bats and snakes were some of the animals being sold and handled in Wuhan s so called wet market. A report published in October showed that pangolins could carry coronavirus infections and after genome testing some of the first people infected there was a 99% match that pangolins were the probable host. But it is difficult to confirm as a lot of data and first hand reports are not available.

Pangolin   |  Event

View from my Window (2020)