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Paintings of other paintings

Posted on March 20, 2016

Enzo Marra


Event Type:



Transition Gallery, Unit 25a Regent Studios, 8 Andrews Road, London E8 4QN


March 19, 2016 - April 16, 2016


Gallery Open Fridays & Saturdays 12-6pm

Paintings of other paintings   |  Event
Paintings of other paintings

Paintings of other paintings sounds more like material for a GCSE art project than an upcoming exhibition.
But these works by artists Mike Bartlett and Enzo Marra will go on display in show, 30/30, at the Transition Gallery in Haggerston from Saturday.

With paintings of people looking at paintings in art galleries, Bartlett and Marra attempt to explore the relationship between looking at art and making it.

For the show, the pair travelled around London attending exhibitions and recording what they saw with their own distinctive painting styles: Marra using a tonal, textural approach, and Bartlett depicting through richly coloured, loosely expressive works.

“I am fascinated by subject matter connected with the art world, whether it be gallery spaces, studios, auctions or the artists themselves,” Enzo says.

“I hope that people will consider the gallery space in a deeper way, and be more connected to the theatre and reverberating energy that can pulse from the most unassuming space.

“The presence of an artwork when reacted to by an interested observer is a subtle but poignant moment, that has to be savoured and frozen in mind.”