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Event Type:
Kelderman & Van Noort / KEVN, Galileistraat 2, 5621 AE Eindhoven
July 16, 2023 - August 27, 2023
Wednesday until Sunday 12 - 18 hour
Studio Anuli Croon, Rotterdam 2023
Fascinated by the flat surface, Anuli Croon creates works of art with color and patterns, merging form and rhythm from our designed world.
In doing so, Croon uses multiple viewpoints side by side in her paintings. She zooms in and out again, details are given space or, on the contrary, the big story is intertwined. Croon makes active works, each time drawing the attention of the viewer’s eye somewhere else.
Characteristic of Croon’s work is that she uses a clear but open visual language. A language where none or everything has meaning, and where meaning can be given. The significance can overlap with another, or can take on a different interpretation over time. This tipping point is often reflected in her work. Here, Croon leaves room for multiple interpretations. With Shifting Views, Croon invites the audience to look at her work from different angles, to reconsider interpretations while engaging with her art.