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Open Windows – Reflections on Beuys

Posted on October 17, 2016


Event Type:

Group Exhibition


Sexauer Gallery, Streustraße 90, 13086 Berlin


October 26, 2016 - November 12, 2016


all days 10-17pm

Invitation only preview October 22 7pm

Open Windows – Reflections on Beuys   |  Event
Open Windows – Reflections on Beuys

Photo: Jonathan Meese Studio View

Artists JONATHAN MEESE and ALEXANDER ISKIN will take part in the upcoming show at Sexauer Gallery entitled 'Open Windows – Reflections on Beuys'. The exhibition takes place 30 years after the death of Beuys and aims to present artists that were inspired by his life and have made art that follow in his footsteps. In order to better understand to man himself and his impact on the art-world. We are excited to See Meese and Iskin's contribution to the understanding of the mystique of Joseph Beuys.

The exhibition is centered around Beuys collector, writer and film producer Tom Patchett who has written a play about Beuys. Which will be performed on the 20-23 October at 8pm, before the opening of the exhibition.

Photo: Painting by Alexander Iskin

Open Windows – Reflections on Beuys   |  Event
Open Windows – Reflections on Beuys
Open Windows – Reflections on Beuys