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Meerschaum- Gewoge Sea Foam Riffle

Posted on February 18, 2022


Event Type:



zagreus project berlin, brunnenstraße 9a


February 25, 2022 - April 25, 2022


reservation: info@zagreus-berlin.net

opening Februay 25th from 6pm no reservation needed

Meerschaum- Gewoge Sea Foam Riffle   |  Event
Meerschaum- Gewoge Sea Foam Riffle

Meerschaumgewoge, Sea Foam Riffle

The gallery will be transformed into a mixture of coral reef and baroque cave.
The front wall of the room is dominated by an altar-like installation and from the ceiling Octopussy floats above the table.
There it ripples on in the form of baroque plates and goblets that seem to have broken free from Lenk's sculptures.
Miriam Lenk and Ulrich Kraus join forces for this opulent feast.

works at the intersection of gallery and gastronomic institution. The chef and gallery owner Ulrich Krauss organizes exhibitions with the overriding theme of food in the broadest sense and a consistent variation on gastronomic concepts.
In cooperation with the respective artists, various possibilities of food preparation, presentation and consumption are developed.
From old recipes and conventional gastronomic procedures to experimental demonstrations, the palette of food presentation ranges, the basis of which is always the high quality of the food.