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“HUMAN with/out SPACE”

Posted on July 29, 2016

Event Type:



Space: A.P.A / Ateliers Pro Arts Art Center, Horánszky u. 5, 1085, Budapest




Monday-Friday 12:00 - 18:00 or by appointment

“HUMAN with/out SPACE”   |  Event
"HUMAN with/out SPACE"

Everybody Needs Art is pleased to present; "HUMAN with/out SPACE" a group exhibition of drawings by the following artists:

David BORGMANN - http://www.davidborgmann.de/
János BRÜCKNER - http://www.brucknerjanos.com/
Timo HERBST - http://www.timoherbst.org/
Botond KERESZTESI - http://botondkeresztesi.com/
Alexander SCHELLBACH - http://alexanderschellbach.de/
INTRO to the space for a human

If we are looking through the "WINDOW' we can see the "BLOOMING LANDSCAPE."
While we are looking, we can learn; "HOW TO DRAW AN ACADEMIC PENIS?"
During our anatomy drawing practice, we can find the "PROMISED LAND", which is not so close, not so far, but we need a map to find it.
Fortunately, "BATHERS" are here to help us to find our way.
Finally, all of us will get some "SWEET PEACE OF MIND."

Curated by Péter BENCZE