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Creative Frenzy

Posted on December 14, 2016


Event Type:



Schultz Contemporary, Mommsenstraße 39, 10629 Berlin


December 17, 2016 - January 21, 2017


Tuesday - Friday 10am - 7pm

Opening Saturday, 17th December, 2016, 7-9:00pm

Creative Frenzy   |  Event
Creative Frenzy

Rage, intoxication, madness, ecstasy - thus the term 'Frenzy' is defined. Their creative madness drives artists to innovative works, to experiments and to the ever-recurring evaluation of their own chosen themes.

Our exhibition at the end of the year 2016 unites painters who dedicate themselves to the human being and his portrayal, to see through his peculiarities and to question man each one in their own way, not least from their different angles and from their different cultural origins.

Cornelia Schleime, winner of this year's Hannah-Höch-award, impresses with disturbing, intimate portraits of women; Sabina

Sakoh, with the political content of her "raft" series, reminds us that our civilization is threatened to disintegrate.

Sonja Alhäuser's scultures focus on our relation with animals and challenge the understanding of food.

SEO is intensively concerned with growing globalization and technologizing of the human environment; so is Maik Wolf, with his glowing, depopulated worldviews.

Andy Denzler from Zurich is challenging our visual habits by setting images and landscapes in motion, and at the same time stopping the film in the viewer’s mind.

Jiny Lan finally combines in her paintings the structural element of calligraphy from her homeland with painterly traditions from the pictorial language of totalitarian governments and abstract elements.