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Concordia, Langestraat 56, 7511 HC Enschede openingstijden: zaterdag​ ​10:00–17:00 zondag​ ​12:00–17:00

Posted on February 5, 2022

Event Type:



Concordia, Langestraat 56, 7511 HC Enschede


December 08, 2021 - April 03, 2022


Tue - Fri from 10-18 hour, Sat​ ​10:00–17:00, Sun​ ​12:00–17:00

Concordia, Langestraat 56, 7511 HC Enschede openingstijden: zaterdag​ ​10:00–17:00 zondag​ ​12:00–17:00   |  Event
Concordia, Langestraat 56, 7511 HC Enschede openingstijden: zaterdag​ ​10:00–17:00 zondag​ ​12:00–17:00

Mural by Anuli Croon at Concordia Enschede

Two murals for the DIY exhibition ‘Turn it Around’ at Concordia in Enschede.

The DIY exhibition 'Turn it around' is all about nature and plastic. Every year, a team of eight children's curators create an exhibition at Concordia. They choose the theme and the artists. They make the texts and help the designer make a poster. The children’s team interview the artists and give guided tours during the exhibition.

* The exhibition consists of two worlds: the green world and the plastic world.

* In the green world Tymen Sliuzas made a soundscape for the large wall paintings by Anuli Croon. Each child made a drawing of an animal or a plant which Anuli transformed in her design for this jungle mural.