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Artists’ Open House, Dulwich Festival

Posted on April 5, 2016

Vinicius Les

http://dulwichfestival.co.uk/artists-open-house/vinicius-les-cristian-lucian/ http://dulwichfestival.co.uk/artists-open-house/

Event Type:

Arts feastival


London, Dulwich, 7 SUNSET ROAD SE5 8EA


May 07, 2016 - May 08, 2016


all days 11am-18pm

7th and 8th of May starting with 11am

Artists’ Open House, Dulwich Festival   |  Event
Artists' Open House, Dulwich Festival

Over 200 artists will be throwing open their doors to you during the two weekends of the Dulwich Festival from 11am - 6pm.
All venues will be open on 7-8 May 2016 and many will also be open on 14-15 May 2016.