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Ivonne Thein
untitled body #1 | Ivonne Thein | available artwork

Ivonne Thein

untitled body #1

Digital Art


image synthesis, pigment print on Hahnemühle (in wooden frame with museum glas)

80,0 x 80,0 cm | 31,5 x 31,5 inch

Edition #1 of 4

The Artwork is signed

The Artwork comes with a certificate of authenticity.


2.200,00 €

(+ Insurance & Shipping + VAT if applicable)

Price indicated by seller

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In the work untitled body I address the change of our contemporary body image in the digital age. The series of works consisting of 10 image syntheses was created in a process-based collaboration with an artificial intelligence. I first trained the AI with my own image material in order to then generate new images based on this knowledge. For this purpose, I provided her with an inspiration for structure [...]

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