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Dirk Meinzer
Vom Wir-Meer III | Dirk Meinzer | available artwork

Dirk Meinzer

Vom Wir-Meer III



Sticker, Bienenflügel, Gesso, phosphoreszierende Gesteinsmehle, Schellack, Pigmente, auf Holz

50,0 x 40,0 x 2,0 cm | 19,7 x 15,7 x 0,8 inch

The Artwork is signed


4.200,00 €

(+ Insurance & Shipping + VAT if applicable)

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Dirk Meinzer has a special eye on the intensity of artistic creation when he wants to make countless bees dance that have been given to him by a beekeeper from the area because they have died. For this he creates a kind of tableau vivant on which the bees' wings unfold their luminosity like flower blossoms.

Phosphorescent materials used in this process show a bland color during the day, while in [...]

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