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The Artworks - Painting

töten und teilen | Jürgen Drescher | available artwork

Jürgen Drescher

töten und teilen, 2018

260,0 x 185,0 x 2,0 cm | 102,4 x 72,8 x 0,8 inch

30.000,00 € excl. VAT

Bonajo Version I | Jürgen Drescher | available artwork

Jürgen Drescher

Bonajo Version I, 2018

260,0 x 185,0 x 2,0 cm | 102,4 x 72,8 x 0,8 inch

30.000,00 € excl. VAT

other animals? | Jürgen Drescher | available artwork

Jürgen Drescher

other animals?, 2018

260,0 x 370,0 x 2,0 cm | 102,4 x 145,7 x 0,8 inch

55.000,00 € excl. VAT

KILL GRILL (I) | Jürgen Drescher | available artwork

Jürgen Drescher

KILL GRILL (I), 2018

290,0 x 210,0 x 2,0 cm | 114,2 x 82,7 x 0,8 inch

35.000,00 € excl. VAT

Untitled | Evelyn Snoek | available artwork

Evelyn Snoek

Untitled, 1997

20,0 x 15,0 x 2,0 cm | 7,9 x 5,9 x 0,8 inch

550,00 € excl. VAT

Turn | Evelyn Snoek | available artwork

Evelyn Snoek

Turn, 2009

30,0 x 20,0 x 2,0 cm | 11,8 x 7,9 x 0,8 inch

675,00 € excl. VAT



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