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Anne Wölk
Horsehead Nebula | Anne Wölk | available artwork

Anne Wölk

Horsehead Nebula



oil on canvas

80,0 x 60,0 x 4,0 cm | 31,5 x 23,6 x 1,6 inch

(framed) 84,0 x 64,0 x 6,0 cm | 33,1 x 25,2 x 2,4 inch

The Artwork is signed

The Artwork comes with a certificate of authenticity.


2.240,00 €

(+ Insurance & Shipping)

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Text in English:
Anne Wölk's painting "Horsehead Nebula" enables a journey into a distant structure made of glowing interstellar gas. The extraterrestrial landscape, executed in fine detail, offers the opportunity for a moment in quiet reflection. The artist transfers the beauty of the mist into her painting cosmos. The scenery shows an untouched, inaccessible place in nature and enables deep immersion [...]

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Tripple Nebula | Anne Wölk | available artwork

Anne Wölk

Tripple Nebula, 2021

80,0 x 180,0 x 3,0 cm | 31,5 x 70,9 x 1,2 inch

6.720,00 € excl. VAT