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Tanja Selzer Main Profile Image

Tanja Selzer

Berlin / Germany

Painting • Born in Idar-Oberstein / Germany • Studied at Hamburg / Germany

Published  13/02/2017

Associative Rifts in Reality

Tanja Selzer transfers media images as well as her own photos and film stills onto the plain of painting. The original context of the images remains hidden, thus opening up an ambiguous field of associations. The real world appears transformed into an often merely fragmentary space. The scenes lure us into an indistinct world outside known society, whose inhabitants apparently prefer to remain among themselves; other scenes reveal fateful...

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Tanja Selzer transfers media images as well as her own photos and film stills onto the plain of painting. The original context of the images remains hidden, thus opening up an ambiguous field of associations. The real world appears transformed into an often merely fragmentary space. The scenes lure us into an indistinct world outside known society, whose inhabitants apparently prefer to remain among themselves; other scenes reveal fateful moments that defy conscious control and concrete classification.


Photocredit: Oliver Mark




Meet me in the Trees, 532 Gallery Thomas Jaeckel, New York, USA


Sweet Lies, Janine Bean Gallery, Berlin, Germany


Sub Rosa, Janine Bean Gallery, Berlin, Germany

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Séance, Janine Bean Gallery, Berlin, Germany

Rien ne va plus, Kunsthalle der Sparkassenstiftung, Lüneburg, Germany

Blanke Teile, Schaufenster, Berlin, Germany

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HSH Nordbank, Hamburg, Germany

Museum am Dom, Würzburg, Germany

Sammlung Schirm, Berlin, Germany

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532 Gallery Thomas Jaeckel, New York, USA | www.532gallery.com

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